Sunday, May 13, 2018

Homage to the Dip

It's Day of the Dip! I will be the first to admit that I pretty much love all Hallmark holidays. I don't love waiting in line at restaurants, meaty pre fixe menus, or overpriced chocolate, but I am a fan of any occasion involving cut flowers and reminders to show appreciation. So happy mama's day to the Dip!

Some readers may ask, why Dip? That doesn't seem an especially respectful or even apt nickname. Dip, short for 'Dipity, short for "Sharondipity," was first bestowed by Chief years ago, the king of bestowing nicknames. Serendipity is "the faculty of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for." Also known as making magic; the Dip's brought a lot of magic to my life.

I'm lucky as an adult to have a mom who is also a friend. The first and most shallow prerequisite of friendship is that you like to consume the same culture, right? We both like to eat sushi, watch Mozart in the Jungle, go to Dodger Stadium, drink red wine, dance around in the backyard, and poke at living things in the garden (She does not share my fervent and feral adoration of Kendrick Lamar, but she tolerates his music at blaring volume in the car, which is good enough). So ma, I'm grateful for all our good times past and yet to come, and glad that spending time with you is never an obligation, but instead my pleasure.

In case you haven't noticed, 'Dipity is also super fun. There is a man with whom I share a mild and ongoing dalliance. I know I've got a bit of a reputation, but Sharon is actually the incorrigible flirt. So the guy and I were standing around talking and I mentioned Sharon's recent frustration with the Dodgers and the profanities she recently let fly. "Whaaaaaaaat?!" he said and I said, "I know - you kind of expect a sailor's tongue from me, what with this flaming hair, and with Sharon it's more like an angel fountain spewing gutter-water, but she's got a pretty foul mouth when she's riled up." So then she walks up, he says "C'mere" and bends down to say right into her ear in a low tone, "How 'bout those FUCKING Dodgers, huh?" And of course she manages to blush a pretty pink, howl with laughter, and bat her eyelashes all at once. That Dip's a charmer.

To take it deeper, we have grieved together and pondered. We have had authentic and vulnerable conversations about equity and justice. We learn from each other. We share what makes our hearts go thump. I'm grateful for all the love and support and wisdom and generosity, both for me and for Little Man.

So here's to the Dip, the loveliest lady I know. Happy Ma Day, and how grateful I am that you are mine!

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