Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Music Greg Loved Spanning Years and Genres

Hello Friends,

They playlist has been removed from this entry and reposted on the main page, but I left the entry itself because others' words are attached in the comments section. Feel free to continue commenting on music here.



Anonymous said...

MAXINE!!! this is your mom and baby, I LOVE the selections you've chosen for Mickey's Jukebox.....when I listen to this play list, it's just like a "work tape" your dad would have made himself, and I can imagine him sitting at his desk, working away, and being as close to happy as he'd get........how wonderful that music touches those heart strings that otherwise wouldn't sing.....thank you, precious daughter, for making this all happen....I love you!! mom

missprufrock said...

"Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me" by Mel Carter. Courtesy of Gary Suddeth, Greg's brother.

missprufrock said...

"Papa Loves Mambo" by Perry Como. Courtesy of Max Suddeth - from Greg's play, Dance Upon Nothing. Never fails to make me shiver as I picture two ghostly figures dancing in a blue spotlight.

sss said...

Oh, my goodness, max....I'd forgotten that great visual....boy..somehow I'd love to get "soundtracks" of all his plays, he always got such great pleasure from finding a piece of music that "fit" what he was looking for.....now.........back to tapping my toes!! :)

missprufrock said...

"Good Golly Miss Molly" by Little Richard. Courtesy of Corliss Lovstad.

Corliss said:
I just had to tell you that every time I hear "Good Golly Miss Molly" on the radio I think of your dad. I'm sure you know that when Molly was 2 Greg sent her a tape with that song on it. I've always remembered that, and recall thinking at the time that it was one of the coolest things I ever heard of anyone doing.

Unknown said...

Well, here comes a voice of high school and college past and thankfully Facebook has been a great vehicle to reconnect with past friends. Much to my surprise and sorrow, Sharon informed me of Greg's passing last December and I've appreciated having this blog to fill in some of those gaps.
Even with so many years gone by, you don't forget Greg and you don't forget Sharon either, from the beginning, she supported Greg in all that he wanted to be and would become. And several of those fun memories easily came pouring back, I'll share a couple......He and Sharon used to come visit Larry Weigel and I when we lived in Iowa City, we couldn't wait until they showed up on a Friday night, we had the tunes a playin and the pizza waiting....I think we must have played cards and danced and danced and danced into the very late hours of the night after consuming more chocolate chip cookies than I can even imagine. During some of those nights, there was a favorite 'radio talk show' that we all listened to, something political no doubt and we'd dial up like we always did and Greg would get right on to the show. He ran to the other room and closed the door while the 3 of us listened to him on the show and tried not to laugh hysterically out of so much excitement. Those were some fun times, I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out of married housing as we could get pretty loud!
The other time was when I came home from a college class some years later needing a deviation, and just happened to flip on "The Gong Show" and who just happened to be on the air with Chuck Berris......yep, it was Greg and of course he won, doing those impersonations that made us laugh so much! Now, it looks like I'll have to get caught up with some of the more recent sitcoms to see some of his latest work. Greg, You will always be remembered!

I would like to dedicate a song to Greg and, to Greg and Sharon, both being "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by two different artists. Israel Kamakawiwo version for Greg and Eva Cassidy's version for Sharon and Greg. I'll explain that to missprufrock.
Susan Ogilvie-Bailey