Monday, March 8, 2010

Erin Go Bra-less

Letter from Sharon: March 2010


PAST: Oh, the memories!! From the first time I boiled a corned beef all those years ago, and it was so tough we had to laugh so I wouldn’t cry about it….the road ahead lead to St. Patrick’s Day becoming one of our favorite Suddeth family traditions…….St. Patrick’s Day was the one day of the year where the ol’ Dutch lady honored her Irish love in grand style, and in the process, our home became filled with not only the smell of the best corned beef this side of the Rockies (I‘m just sayin‘…) , but also overflowing with so much love and laughter and fun! That night always made me feel like our house was “home” to all our family & friends, almost like a family reunion where so many busy lives came together for a few hours to share and catch up and remind ourselves of how richly blessed we are to know each other. But for me, it was even more personal………it was a small way to let the world know how proud I was to be Greg’s wife, and to acknowledge the richness he brought into my life. And so, it was just perfectly fitting and so incredible that you all brought that energy and love back to our family in our backyard on St. Patrick’s Day last year………….I still often sit out there under the stars and feel it.

PRESENT: I’m taking a year off. There……….I said it. Talk about mixed emotions. But I guess the most honest thing to say is this: It just doesn’t feel right this year. I’m grateful that I don’t have to try and explain in words what I’m feeling in my heart.

If you’d like, I invite you to Megan’s blog for her dad: Max, like her father, finds a way with words that will make you laugh & cry, sometimes in the same sentence……oh, so Irish of them, don’t you think??? It’d be great to read some of your favorite St. Patrick’s Day memories there if you’d like to share them.

FUTURE: Never say never!! I have a feeling there’s still more corned beef in your future one of these years ahead! But ‘til then, I’m looking forward to keeping in touch with all of you….looking forward to backyard bbq’s, taking in some dodger games, coffee dates, and just hanging out……………let’s not let time pass too quickly before we find some time to share.

I hope that each of you will take a few minutes on St. Patrick’s Day this year to feel the love coming back to you that you brought to our home for so many years………… remember the good times………..share some Irish Hugs & Kisses along the way……………